
How Five Points Capital Assesses the Exposure and Returns of a Complex Portfolio with Cobalt Portfolio Monitoring

June 24, 2024



How Five Points Capital Gained Efficiency and Accuracy with Cobalt

In this case study, Patrick O’Rourke, Vice President of Strategy & Operations at Five Points Capital, discusses how Cobalt’s portfolio monitoring platform enabled streamlined data ingestion and automatic report generation for his firm, boosting his team’s accuracy and saving days of tedious data entry each quarter. 

Partnering with Cobalt empowered Five Points Capital to:

  • Realize real-time cash flow tracking
  • Gain flexible access to data and automate report generation
  • Leverage data creatively and tailor engaging presentations for investor meetings


Download the Case Study


Chart of the Month: May 2024

May 20, 2024

Derivative Charts: Plotting the Growth of the Alternatives Market

Following up on last month’s chart and the exploration of our off-platform data capabilities, we exported the popular NAV and dry powder chart data to determine the quarter-by-quarter NAV growth of the Global Alternatives market.

Key Takeaways

Though presented in a different manner, our quarterly NAV growth chart tells a similar story to our Cobalt base analytics, with the negative downturns of the early and late 2000s and 2020 prominently displayed. Overall, it is still a growth story: Only 18 of the 96 sample quarters showed zero or negative growth, and the total NAV averaged 5% quarterly growth over the sample period.

The period from Q4 2002 to Q3 2008 is exemplary as the longest stretch of continued quarterly growth. It was a transition period for the private capital industry, when discussing the size of the alternatives market jumped to trillions from billions. Paired with a fruitful climate that led to organic NAV growth between the dot com bubble and the Great Financial Crisis, the half-decade of sustained growth is readily explained.

Naturally, as the market has ballooned to astronomical heights, the peaks of growth seen in the earlier days of our tracked data (near 30% growth in the quarters of the late 90s) are harder to come by. You’ll see that in the chart in the down-and-to-the-right shape of the highest growth quarters over time, with much more needed today to grow a multi-trillion-dollar pie.

Looking Ahead

Barring an impact like that of COVID in Q1 2020, we believe the tightening of growth is likely to continue. This would mean consistent quarters of single-digit growth with the occasional negative quarter.

If LPs continue to reconsider portfolio construction and commit a larger percentage to alternatives, this may act as a buoy for the market to maintain its growth regardless of other macro factors that could prompt a downturn.


This blog post is for informational purposes only. The information contained in this blog post is not legal, tax, or investment advice. FactSet does not endorse or recommend any investments and assumes no liability for any consequence relating directly or indirectly to any action or inaction taken based on the information contained in this article.

Chart of the Month: April 2024

April 19, 2024

Surge Pricing: Examining the Ability to Adjust North America Infrastructure Investing on a Short Timeline

The state of Infrastructure investing in America has been an often-criticized topicIn addition to wear and tear, sudden and catastrophic damage is a real danger to both the logistical integrity of our economy, and the lives of those who need to use these facilities every day.  While we often look at infrastructure investing, considering recent sudden damage such as the Francis Scott Key bridge collapse, or the elevated hurricane levels predicted for this year’s Atlantic coastline, this time we wanted to look at the investors’ potential impulse contribution level: how fast investment could shift at a private level to respond to demands for greater infrastructure investing. The next few months we will be testing out expanding beyond our in-app Cobalt Analytics to leverage the dataset capabilities out of the platform As such, we put together a portfolio of North America Infrastructure funds and exported the data to create the above visualizationThe goal is to see how flexible investment contributions have been over the past 5 years on a quarterly basis.

Key Takeaways

Looking back to the beginning of our charts, we see a low sustained level of contribution: hovering between $1B and $2B per quarter.  The primary driver of growth quarter over quarter is clearly coming from LP investment.  This is a strong rate of investment, with usually positive NAV growth statistics contributing to slow and steady expansion over time.  This market clearly accommodates noise with its fluctuations in contribution levels but seems to mean revert and hold a steady state rate of investment. 

This changes as we move forward in the chartLooking to Q3 2021, we see a rapid increase in investment level, with no clear new mean level of supportThe timing here coincides with the passage of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, thus either leading to a rapid expansion in infrastructure investment interest, or an expansion in the universe of infrastructure investment opportunities.  Regardless, assuming this trend is a going concern, the result is that available funding for infrastructure has expanded as is flexibly investible on a quarterly basis: able to go up one quarter, and down the next. 

Looking Ahead

Given the greater investment capacity of the last few years, there is a good chance that the capacity for a surge of investing towards infrastructure needs does existThe main holdup would be the investor appetite for immediate change, and whether projected returns on such short-term scoping can sufficiently attract these surges to keep pace as America’s need for further infrastructure investing increases. 


This blog post is for informational purposes only. The information contained in this blog post is not legal, tax, or investment advice. FactSet does not endorse or recommend any investments and assumes no liability for any consequence relating directly or indirectly to any action or inaction taken based on the information contained in this article.

Chart of the Month: March 2024

March 18, 2024

Law of Averages: Comparing 3 Decades of Commitments Among Buyout, Venture Capital, and Credit Funds

In private markets, we regularly analyze three main facets of our Cobalt market dataset— performance, fundraising, and cash flows—to gain insight into the fund commitments that limited partners (LPs) have made across their portfolios. Today we’re analyzing those commitments to see what we can learn about optimal portfolio construction, just as we’ve done in the past.

This chart highlights the average commitment sizes from 1990 through 2023 among three of the main alternative investment styles: buyout, venture capital, and credit.

Key Takeaways

That chart illustrates some well-known points in the alternatives investment space.

  • Venture capital set the baseline of lowest average commitment size at $20 million over the last 30 years.
  • There’s also a general trend of commitments rising over time, in line with the growth of private equity during the 2000s and 2010s.
  • The largest exception in the chart is from 2009 – 2011 during the financial crisis, when average commitments dropped rapidly (down nearly 50% from 2008).
  • Altogether, the trends imply that average LP investment levels generally chart with the health of the market over time.

Surprisingly, the largest LP commitment sizes by investment type swapped, with credit having the larger average for nearly a decade between 2007 and 2017. That’s despite buyout firms having raised over double the amount in fund size compared to performance in the same timeframe. In other words, there was likely a smaller LP base with a sizable allocation to credit, but that smaller base made larger investments, on average.

Nearing midway through the current decade, we are seeing a clear divergence: Buyouts have grown their average investment size 64%, while credit has lowered investments by 74%.


Looking Ahead

Our 2023 data show that credit barely exceeds venture averages. If the pattern persists, it would be the first time since 1993 that they come in as the lowest of the three strategies.

While high interest rates are the largest macro factors in the private credit market, our investor data also shows a changing trend in portfolio creation that may be factoring into the dropping commitment average. From 2000 – 2009, LPs with credit investments averaged 1.7 investments per year. In the new decade (for years with complete data 2020 – 2022), the average has jumped to 2.6.

The increase may be indicating that LPs are committing a similar dollar amount from their portfolio—but spreading it across more individual funds, and therefore dropping the average check size to today’s lower levels.

It’s unlikely buyouts can maintain the last few years’ pace of growth. The previous high-growth period lasted three years (2010 – 2012), and if future years continue to look like that, we should anticipate the average buyout commitment to normalize.

One aspect that may cause this time to be different, though, is the continued expansion of buyout fund sizes compared to other strategies. Post-2015 buyouts greater than $2.5 billion have become much more commonplace, with over 30 being raised each year. That offers LPs opportunities to invest more in the funds, potentially propping up the inflated averages so far in the 2020s.

This blog post is for informational purposes only. The information contained in this blog post is not legal, tax, or investment advice. FactSet does not endorse or recommend any investments and assumes no liability for any consequence relating directly or indirectly to any action or inaction taken based on the information contained in this article.

Cobalt Expands Data Regions: A Step Forward in Addressing Data Residency Concerns while Ensuring Security, Privacy, and Control

March 8, 2024

Cobalt Expands Data Regions: A Step Forward in Addressing Data Residency Concerns while Ensuring Security, Privacy, and Control

At Cobalt, we understand that security and privacy are a top concern for our clients. With the sheer volume of data private equity and venture capital firms handle daily, it’s only fitting that safeguarding this information is of paramount concern. Cobalt is committed to protecting your data as if it were our own, ensuring that strong security and privacy measures are always in place. 

Data residency is a growing concern we have noted amongst the firms we work with, especially those located outside of the United States. With data residency regulations varying from one country to another, firms are rightfully worried about where their sensitive investment data ends up being stored and processed. Certain jurisdictions even mandate data storage within their borders, adding complexity to the decision-making process when selecting software vendors. 

To address these concerns, Cobalt has launched new data centers in various regions across the globe. The goal is to provide our clients with a choice of where their data is stored and processed. Our new data centers will help mitigate data residency concerns, and more importantly, ensure that our clients can effortlessly comply with their respective country’s data regulations and their firm’s data governance policies.  

With Cobalt, your data is not just secure; it’s where you want it to be.  

Get in touch with the Cobalt team to learn more about our multi-region data residency support:



Chart of the Month: February 2024

February 20, 2024

Buy the Rumor, Buy the News: Evaluating the Unshakable Interest in Real Estate

While investing in sanguine times has been an oft-held motto of contrarianism, what happens when even bad times are good times? Following up on last month’s analysis, we continue our analysis of the real estate market.

Long viewed as one of the safest markets, real estate has also seen dramatic increases in interest from both retail and commercial investors over the past decade. As such, we’re looking at real estate investor contribution and distribution values compared to the overall market change for a public real estate index, the DJ Global Select Real Estate Securities Index (RESI).

Key Takeaways

While our data on pre-2010 cash flows is sparser, readers who remember the events of 2008 might recoil at the idea of an invulnerable real estate market. As shown above, while the cash flows do not tell much, the index is very clear that real estate contributions were quite tepid coming out of the great financial crisis given shaken investor confidence.

This tepidity quickly waned, however, and the market was progressively built up with more investor interest and steady contributions through 2020.

Now in 2024, we see the same curiosity play out as it did in 2008, but for different reasons. The index dived in reaction to the pandemic, and the cash flows remained relatively fixed. This cannot be blamed on low data volume, but instead a perseverance of investor interest throughout the economic shock.

The confidence appears to have paid off, with distributions peaking in late 2021 alongside a peak in new contributions. This reaffirmed a desire to collect profits and reinvest the earnings in the real estate space—even amidst the real estate market lag of 2022 and 2023.


Looking Ahead

A second fallacy in the invulnerability argument is the bubble. One need only glance at a chart of US home prices to get a little concerned about the sustainability of this trend. The US is trying to ramp up new construction to stem the housing shortfall, and the open question of return to office looms over the commercial sector.

As we look forward into the rest of this decade, we expect some shakeups in real estate performance. It could be driven by either or both sector’s challenges and perceived overvaluation. However, whether the bubble bursts or local and national efforts to address supply and demand reign in the values, there will always be intrinsic value in the real estate sector.

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Chart of the Month: January 2024

January 26, 2024

Perfectly Hedged? Questioning the Tether Between Private Credit and the Federal Funds Rate 

Akin to Steve Eisman’s critique of how a firm can lose money in every interest rate environment, our analysis this month poses the question: How has the private credit market endeavored to make money in nearly every interest rate environment?   

To investigate this, we pulled the private credit market return over the past few decades from Cobalt’s Market Data to see how these funds responded to changes in the federal rate, and to examine how they may have pivoted to remain profitable. 

Key Takeaways

First, we can identify points of alignment between the two charts. The trough and peak in North American private credit returns between Q2 2008 and Q3 2009 clearly align with the 2008 recession and accompanying sharp drop in the Federal Funds Rate. We surmise that existing funds were gutted by portfolio company defaults, while new funds were used to acquire the distressed assets that became available.    

Looking ahead, we see a smaller version of this event in 2020 that coincides with the COVID-19 pandemic drawdown. The lag times in both charts, however, are not consistent, indicating that the interest rate is not a strong predictor (or even a lagging indicator) of the private credit market performance.  

By comparison, the private credit market is relatively agnostic to the Federal Funds Rate during the other periods. There appears to be no meaningful effect from the dot-com bubble and the subsequent rise in interest rates—or any strong effects from the rock-bottom rates of the “everything rally” of the 2010s.  

However, on closer inspection, we can see a predictable increase in private credit volatility about three years after a recession, coupled with slight downward performance as the Funds Rate increases. The volatility was likely due to distressed purchases during downturns that began torealize their value or failure. The performance likely emerged from higher borrowing costs that cut into a private firm’s ability to increase financing to their portfolio.

Looking Ahead

Moving past the 2020 drawdown, we can apply our findings and predict a period of slightly higher credit volatility in the coming quarters. Additionally, as the Federal Reserve appears to be pausing its rapidly ascending rate hikes, we are left at a potential crossroads for the private markets. 

 On one hand, the pause could prolong economic health and sustain a high funds rate for longer, potentially eating into private credit returns. On the other hand, if a more recessionary event is close, then there may be ample cheap opportunities for distressed investors to buy. 

This blog post is for informational purposes only. The information contained in this blog post is not legal, tax, or investment advice. FactSet does not endorse or recommend any investments and assumes no liability for any consequence relating directly or indirectly to any action or inaction taken based on the information contained in this article.

Chart of the Month: December 2023

December 12, 2023

The (Bar)Bell Curve: Looking at the Dispersion of PME Alpha by Private Market Funds

In past charts, we’ve discussed our PME (public market equivalent) engine and how it can be used to analyze a fund or group of private market funds against the public markets. The chart below encompasses our entire population of funds with cash flows and examines the most common outcomes of performance. Using the Cobalt PME methodology to compare our Market Data Funds against the MSCI ACWI, we generate a PME Alpha metric for funds with cash flows, and the dispersion of this alpha is reflected in the chart below.

Key Takeaways

Perhaps unsurprisingly, the largest group of funds are those with alpha over 14%, with over a quarter of funds reaching that threshold. A bit more surprising may be that second most common range is alpha less than -7%, with just over one-eighth of funds falling here. Between these two extremes we see a more typical distribution between -7% and 14% performance.

This creates a unique distribution where the most likely outcome is extreme over-or-under performance, with the next most likely result falling closer to 0%. The ranges reflecting slight overperformance and slight underperformance are the least common, signifying a market where private market investors are looking for big swings, and living with the big misses they may create.

Extending to include all funds with negative alpha, we see that 28% of funds have underperformed in comparison to the public markets. This likely skews towards newer funds, which often take a few quarters or years to start returning distributions and outperforming public equities. Still, this lines up with the idea that alternatives offer the chance to have outsize returns versus other markets, but the investments do come with more downside risk.

Looking Ahead

As this sample looks back on 20 years of data, it should be enough of a track record to give us a solid idea that the dispersion pattern moving forward will hold. There may be some slight variances, especially as funds raised in the volatile times of the pandemic begin to make their first distributions over the next few years but overall, we still expect the most common outcomes for funds to be higher outperformance or lower underperformance compared to the public markets.

For more information on PME and how Cobalt leverages it, download our white paper: Measuring Performance in Private Equity: The PME Cheat Sheet.

This blog post is for informational purposes only. The information contained in this blog post is not legal, tax, or investment advice. FactSet does not endorse or recommend any investments and assumes no liability for any consequence relating directly or indirectly to any action or inaction taken based on the information contained in this article.

Chart of the Month: November 2023

November 14, 2023

Playing the Long Game: Comparing VC & Buyouts Across Different Time Horizons

Within private markets, there’s often a focus on core metrics such as internal rates of return, multiples, and public market equivalents. However, Cobalt’s dataset collects cash flow information that enables users to derive metrics such as the time-weighted rate of return (TWRR) for a group of funds.

To highlight this metric, the chart below illustrates TWRR for the North American, Global, and Western Europe markets to compare the regions’ buyout and venture capital (VC) funds across different time horizons.

Key Takeaways

At first glance when comparing the two charts, the different patterns the VC and buyout funds take across each time horizon stand out most. The VC curve shows a slow decrease year-over-year, while buyout returns increase from the 10-year horizon, peaking at the 3-year horizon with a large increase. This spike can most likely be attributed to the timing of the chart, with a 3-year horizon starting in March 2020 (the bottom of the markets during the pandemic).

Another time period that jumps out is the negative venture capital returns at the 1-year horizon. We’ve covered many of the macro factors (including our analysis of first quarter 2023), but increasing interest rates and bank scares at the beginning of 2023 (SVB in particular) created a tough environment for VC on the 1-year timeframe.

A closer comparison of the two charts shows an emerging trend: VC generated higher performance on the 4-, 5-, and 10-year horizons, while Buyouts outperformed over the past 3 years. While VC had the stronger run throughout the relatively stable 2010s, it seems Buyouts are better suited for the uncertain financial climate and volatility that has defined the beginning of the 2020s.

Looking Ahead

Given this current trend, you might expect buyout funds to be a stronger investment in coming quarters. While each investment style has a higher rate of return for 3 horizons, venture capital’s outperformance lasted over 6 years. If this trend holds, Buyout investments still have a few more years remaining as the top performer. However, with so many unknowns and looming issues in the macro environment, it would not be surprising to see a quicker reversal of fortune.

This blog post is for informational purposes only. The information contained in this blog post is not legal, tax, or investment advice. FactSet does not endorse or recommend any investments and assumes no liability for any consequence relating directly or indirectly to any action or inaction taken based on the information contained in this article.

Chart of the Month: October 2023

October 12, 2023

More BRICS in the Wall: Analyzing the Effect of Currency Choice on Fund Performance

In light of the recent BRICS summit and the group’s goal of de-dollarization, we explored the effects of currency choice on global private market investing via two representative portfolios:

  • USD funds investing outside of the US 
  • Non-USD funds investing across the globe

We then compared each to the S&P 500 to see how they perform relative to the American public market equivalent (PME). 

Key Takeaways

Looking at the charts, the two portfolios display largely similar characteristics overall. Both progressions peaked in 2000 and cratered shortly after, reflecting the crash following the dotcom bubble. Then, we see positive progression again through the mid2000s until a crash during the financial crisis of 2007-2008. Finally, investors received a calm tailwind to finish the 2010s with a safe and consistent outperformance of the S&P 500 at around 10%. 


The non-USD portfolio generated a much higher average level of returns than the USD sample for the bulk of the 2000s, and then leveled to the USD group around the Great Recession. But what caused non-USD funds to outperform their dollar-denominated counterparts throughout the mid 2000s?  

The performance of the Euro may be one factor. Euro-denominated funds make up a large portion of the non-USD portfolio, and that currency exhibited strengthening compared to the USD over that period. Another explanation may be European market outperformance during that period. Indices, including the FTSE 350, expanded close to 2x from trough to peak progression in the mid-2000s, while the S&P 500 only expanded around 1.5x during the same period.  

Looking Ahead

It will be important to keep in mind U.K.’s continued struggles with inflation when observing the next trends in Western Europe. Most other major economies have reduced or muted the effects of inflation at this point, while the U.K. may still be mired in a macro climate that’s less friendly to alternative returns. 

With a more volatile environment, it will be interesting to see if the unexpected observations in the venture capital and buyout lower quartile returns revert back to the average benchmark moving forward. 

This blog post is for informational purposes only. The information contained in this blog post is not legal, tax, or investment advice. FactSet does not endorse or recommend any investments and assumes no liability for any consequence relating directly or indirectly to any action or inaction taken based on the information contained in this article.